Absolut Vodka has set a global standard for quality and innovation since its New York debut in 1979. Distilled in Åhus, Sweden, every bottle is crafted from locally sourced winter wheat and pristine well water, ensuring a consistently smooth and clean flavor. Absolut’s commitment to purity goes beyond ingredients—its continuous distillation process produces a vodka so refined, it captures the essence of Swedish craftsmanship. The vodka’s iconic bottle, with its minimalist, label-less design, has become a symbol of originality and authenticity. Boldly unadorned and unfiltered, Absolut Vodka is perfect for both classic cocktails and creative mixes, adding a refined character and depth to every drink. With its rich, full-bodied taste and the faint warmth of dried fruit, Absolut is a truly versatile spirit that brings something distinct to any occasion.
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